Wednesday, December 10, 2008


no one reads my blog.

but I'm okay with that. 

i have so much to do this week. so...I sit down and work super hard and get tons done and feel really great, but then I realize that i have made NO dent in my "to do list'.

therefore i have resigned to blogging.  its the only thing i have any energy left for anymore.

and i decided today that one of my life dreams of being a potter is off the list. i am so far behind in ceramics. it is truly pathetic. i have sunk so low that i stole pots without names, and even dug in the trash. i actually found a decent pot today. hopefully he can't tell i didn't make it. i'm ashamed someone's trash is better than my actual work. and what kind of art teacher grades on ability? isn't it all about creativity and effort, not my ability to form squishy dirt into a ugly vase?

i'm telling him they're all abstract, and cannot be graded without thoughtful consideration and meditation. then maybe he'll take sympathy on me. but who knows? high school is almost over, and ceramics probably wont matter in the end. 


i think i'm going to go procrastinate doing something really important. i can't wait for the weekend. and for break. so i can do absolutely nothing for hours. it'll be great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how it is with blogging. Hell, right now I have a shitload to do and I was attempting to work on my college applications but somehow I've instead wasted away 20 minutes on blogs.